My Personal Experiences With ToeNail Fungus

This was how I felt 3 years ago. I was so tired of trying the so called "remedies" and "cures" only to find out that none of them worked as advertised. Well, I finally did find "my cure" that worked for me. It's a product called Zetaclear

STOP - right now before you rush over to the Zetaclear site because you need to know a few things first if you want it to work for you too.

What you need to know:

1. Read the directions on the bottle and apply it as directed.

2. Keep applying it even after you think your nail has fully healed. I recommend you get the 6 bottle offer. I used it for a total of 5 months even though my nail visibly cleared up in two weeks.

3. Learn what to do to prevent the fungus from coming back!

You will find a ton of good information on my site for the prevention of toe nail fungus and some of the "other" treatments I have tried that don't work.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Toe Nail Fungus Remedies No One Will Notice

Are you looking for toe nail remedies that you can keep at home without raising eyebrows or feeding the gossip circuits in your neighborhood? If you are like many people your privacy is important. You don't want people whispering about toe nail fungus remedies that might be found in your shopping cart or garbage bin. At the same time you don't want to be plagued by toe nail fungus either. The solution is simpler than you may realize.

Toe Nail Fungus Remedies that Don't Look Like Remedies

Chances are that you have many of the best toe nail fungus remedies at home and don't even realize it. Some favorites are: vinegar, Epsom salt, tea tree oil, and Listerine mouthwash.

Vinegar is best used as a foot soak. Create a solution that is half vinegar and half water and soak your feet in 15 minute increments two or three times per day. The acid in this solution will create a hostile environment for the growth of the toenail fungus. As far as toe nail fungus remedies go, this is one of the least expensive. On the downside it is also one of the smelliest.

Epsom salt foot soaks are also excellent toe nail fungus remedies. With this you will want water that is as warm as you can tolerate without burning your feet. The longer you soak your feet the more effective this will be as a nail fungus remedy. This soak is often best performed two or three times daily.

Tea tree oil is one of the other great toe nail fungus remedies you might want to consider. This can be applied directly your nails for a highly effective treatment. If you experience sensitivity as a result of a full force tea tree oil treatment you may want to consider a milder form that has been mixed with other ingredients such as soap or lotion that uses tea tree oil as one of its ingredients.

Listerine mouthwash is one more toe nail fungus remedy that you can keep in your medicine cabinet and shopping cart without anyone being the wiser. While it may not be your first choice for mouthwash it is an excellent tool for fighting bacteria and fungus. Who knew?

Iodine. Many medicine cabinets have it so it isn't something that would be an obvious indication of toe nail fungus remedies. Iodine is another great all around thing to keep in your medicine cabinet as it has many fascinating uses and no one will know exactly why you are using it. Better yet, the people around you in the grocery store checkout aren't likely to have a clue that this is a highly effective toe nail fungus remedy so they won't make any judgments.

While there is honestly nothing to be embarrassed about if you have toe nail fungus there is also no need to announce it to the world. Any of these items are completely innocent and independent of toe nail fungus remedies so you could have a cart full of them and no one would ever know.

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