My Personal Experiences With ToeNail Fungus

This was how I felt 3 years ago. I was so tired of trying the so called "remedies" and "cures" only to find out that none of them worked as advertised. Well, I finally did find "my cure" that worked for me. It's a product called Zetaclear

STOP - right now before you rush over to the Zetaclear site because you need to know a few things first if you want it to work for you too.

What you need to know:

1. Read the directions on the bottle and apply it as directed.

2. Keep applying it even after you think your nail has fully healed. I recommend you get the 6 bottle offer. I used it for a total of 5 months even though my nail visibly cleared up in two weeks.

3. Learn what to do to prevent the fungus from coming back!

You will find a ton of good information on my site for the prevention of toe nail fungus and some of the "other" treatments I have tried that don't work.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nail Fungus Infections: 2008 Causes and Treatments -Part I

Nail Fungus Infections: 2008 Causes and Treatments -Part I

Nail Fungus Infections: Causes and Treatments Part I
How do you know if you have a fungal infection in your toenails or fingernails and do you think you might have an infection?? It is definitely possible. Before you make your decision, continue reading part I in this series because it may have an impact on your course of treatment if you do have a fungus infection. In part I, you'll learn what nail fungus infection is, what induces it, preventative measures and treatments currently available. The technical name for nail fungus is Onychomycosis. A fungus can be encountered just about anywhere and is very easily contracted. There are literally millions of peopIe who have it. So, don't worry you are not alone in your suffering. One of the reasons nail fungus is so prevalent is because it is very hard to detect early on. Once you are able to see the discolored nail the fungus already has a firm hold. The fungus will appear as a yellow blemish which gradually spreads until it infects the whole nail and further spreads to your neighboring toenails and fingernails. The fungus feels right at home because the conditions at which it grows the best are being met. Because most people wear shoes that are either made of all leather or are not well ventilated, they are supplying the fungus with a warm, moist environment. Optimum breeding conditions are found when an area is warm, moist, and dark. Similar to mold growing on a piece of bread.
Please be aware that nail fungus infections are infectious and can spread from one person to the other. Sharing bathrooms where you have a common shower,toilets, and locker rooms are the likeliest places to contract a fungus infection. These places are usually moist and visited by people not wearing shoes. The fungus which gets transfered to the floor as people walk around then gets picked up by those unsuspecting people. It is also contractible from fingernail clippers, nail files and emery boards. This is why it is important to practice good hygiene so that you are not infecting other people. If you feel that you have a fungus infection, you might want to start treating it immediately as it is more difficult to treat once the fungus infection becomes more severe.

1 comment:

Silk said...

great post..thanks! we will come back often.